
Tutoring Services
The following list includes adults who have contacted Sabino and offered their private, for-fee services. While many Sabino students have utilized their services, Sabino High School does not endorse or recommend any particular tutor. Lists of Sabino student tutors are available in the counseling office.

The parents of students who are having difficulty in a class may choose to track their student's progress on a weekly basis. Students pick up a blue "weekly progress report" in the counseling office, give it to each of their teachers at the beginning of class on Friday, and bring it home to their parents at the conclusion of classes.

Updated 8/8/12
Adult Tutors
Serkey, Bob
Bingham, Christine
Boccardo, Elizabeth
Boge, Sherri
Brown, Earl
Callesen, Barry
Club Z! In-home
Dozier, Deb
Gentzler, Stephen
Gray, Margo & Ron
Johnson, Danielle
Klees, David (Sabino Teacher)
Kukla, Dave (Sabino Teacher)
Lauback, Ron
Learning Lab
Lurvey, Curtis
Ratzan, Rob
Rockwood, Kyle
Saffer, Irene
Smith, Kris
Top Notch Tutoring
Wexler, Elyse