
District News
School News
'A' School Recognition

A Rated School

Sabino has been recognized as an 'A' school by the Arizona Department of Education for the 2023-2024 school year!
Love of Reading
Six high school students stand outside Collier Elementary holding booksSabino High School student council members visited Collier Elementary on Feb. 12 and read to classes for Love of Reading Month.
Marching Band Exhibition Performance
Athlete Spotlight: Olive Crites
#TUSDSports is featuring profiles this year of athletes who are exceptional in attitude as well as performance. They were selected to be interviewed by their schools and coaches. Each story reflects the passion of individuals who have found that school sports are an avenue that enriches their personal and academic life. This is Olive Crites, a freshman at Sabino High School.
Campus Murals
A colorful mural with orange butterflies and saguaro cactusA recent art project is beautifying our campus. As of a few years ago, art teacher Michael Speir has had his art students work on a mural to be placed in one of our hallways. The plan is to do one big mural per school year, but that isn’t always the case. There has to be the right students and right idea. Here is one of the murals around campus.
National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist
Congratulations to Sabino senior Mason Rustand, who has been named a National Merit Scholarship semifinalist! Finalists will be selected in the spring to earn college scholarships. Good luck Mason!